Instructions for Initial Paper Submission:

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit original technical papers to ICECE 2024 through our online paper submission system. All submitted papers should contain original, unpublished results, experimental and/or theoretical. All submissions must be in English only.

A paper will appear in the proceedings if at least one of the authors of accepted paper registers before the registration deadline. Presenting the accepted paper is a prerequisite for appearing it in the IEEE Xplore. “IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.”

Submitted papers should satisfy the criteria listed below and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Paper template: The authors should follow the prescribed IEEE template in writing the complete paper. The paper preparation template (IEEE double-column) can be found at
  • Paper length: Maximum 6 pages including all figures, tables, equations and references, all in IEEE format (see the template)
  • File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
  • Allowable file size: 2 MB
  • Paper Size: A4
  • Fonts: Embed all fonts in your PDF file. (Use Fonts/Font size according to the template only)
  • File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
  • At this stage, the authors SHOULD NOT include their names, affiliations, postal addresses, and email addresses in the paper.
  • Plagiarism and Multiple Submissions: ICECE 2024 will strictly follow IEEE policies for plagiarism and multiple submissions. Please check details in the following links:

    IEEE policies for plagiarism:
    IEEE policies for multiple submissions:

Online Paper Submission System

  1. Your paper should be submitted to Microsoft CMT
  2. If you do not have a login ID, please Register to create one
  3. The website for paper submission is here
  4. You should click on the “Create New Submission”. Please fill up all the necessary information and upload your pdf file.
  5. To add collaborators/co-authors, please use “Enter email to add new author” field. We would recommend all co-authors to open their respective CMT Accounts before submission.